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BitWink Buddy
Bitwinks Logotype

hey loser.
you‘re late to ordinals.
here‘s your chance.

Mint on Inscribe Now
BitWink Buddy

nothin‘ to rug.

no roadmap. no discord. screw utility. we thrive on reckless abandon & HODL vibes.

bitwinks are the ultimate ride-or-die buddies bred for one thing: that ludicrous ride to the moon.

BitWink Buddy

yay art

you‘d mint even if
this was the art ->

BitWink Buddy

level up, loser

bitwinks just raised the bar on ordinals. it‘s the first high-detail, high-effort, infinitely crisp vector art on the BTC blockchain.

and yes. it was expensive to deploy.

you‘re welcome.



we promise nothing.
but just in case, hodl.

🟠 🟠 🟠

BitWink Buddy

wen mint?

the forge is flaming, and bitwinks are nearly ripe for the picking. ready your wallets, my fellow degen. mint details coming soon.

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